
At the FBG we help you so that your research has an impact on society

We promote your research and guide you through the whole transfer process.

Would you like to apply your research to a company?

Collaborating with a company is a way to move your research forward.

At the FBG we help you find a partner and secure your income during the collaboration.

Do you have a business idea based on your research?

Starting a new company is a good way of promoting your innovation project.

At the FBG we assess its feasibility and guide you through the creation and start up phases of the process.

Would you like to patent the results of your research?

A patent that is being duly exploited can be a major source of funding for your research.

At the FBG we evaluate the technology, fund the patent application, and look for companies that might be interested in exploiting it.

Do you need funding for your innovation project?

Financial support is essential to start and develop a project.

At the FBG we advise you on how to search funding for research and knowledge transfer.

Do you need support to manage your project?

A research project requires many aspects to be taken into account, which we explain to you in the project management tool.

At the FBG we accompany you from the negotiation of the contract or request for aid until completion.

Would you like to get your doctorate while you work?

A company can be a place to you carry out your research and complete your doctorate.

At the FBG we advise you on grants for university researchers funded by the Spanish Government and the Generalitat.

Do you want to join Living Lab UB?

Living Lab UB is the University of Barcelona‘s Social Innovation Laboratory, which offers innovative solutions through a user-centred methodology based on the active involvement of all social agents —companies, clients/users, the administration, and UB researchers

Visit the web page and learn more about Living Lab UB



contracted corresponding to aid


hired in research projects with companies and administrations


licencing contracts signed

Take a look at our offers for UB researchers

Contact us at and let’s discuss your project


Offer for researchers

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