The FBG is located at Barcelona Science Park, in the Diagonal University Campus.
From here we offer a whole range of services to researchers, companies, investors and mentors.
Do you want to contact us?
You can do it through email, phone, and by coming to our offices.
Fundació Bosch i Gimpera – UB. Parc Científic Barcelona. Torre D
C/ Baldiri Reixac, 2, 08028 Barcelona
Phone: +34 93 403 99 00
Fax: +34 93 448 94 34
How to get here
Public transport
- Bús: lines 7, 33, 54, 60, 67, 68, 74 i 75
- Metro: L3 and L9 Sud, Zona Universitària station, L5, Collblanc station
- Trambaix: lines T1, T2 and T3
- Bicing: stations 310, 307
Private transport
- By car: Esma Park – Av Doctor Marañón, 8, 08028 Barcelona – 93 440 00 66. Open every day, from 00:00h to 24:00h
- Taxi: taxi station n.º 295 – Avda. Diagonal, 661-671 (C/ Torre Melina)
- By bike: several available anchor points