Technologies, materials, and licences

We transfer innovation developed at the University of Barcelona to companies through licencing

At the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation we work to protect the technology developed by researchers, and offer it to companies and entities through licencing.

  • If you represent a company, take advantage of technological solutions to apply them to your organization.
  • If you are a researcher, have your project assessed and learn about the different ways of protecting it.

Have your company benefit from innovation

At the FBG we have a long experience in the commercialization of technologies developed by the researchers and research groups of the UB.

Check out the available technologies.

Technologies for licencing

At FBG we also have materials, the result of research at the UB, which can be useful for your company or entity.

Check the materials available at this time and contact us to purchase them.

See materials >

Do you want to apply technology to your company?

Contact us at and we will advise you

We are a team of professionals who work for you

Do you have a technology to transfer that you would like to protect?

The support of our professionals will help you decide the most appropriate time and way to do it.

At the FBG we guide you through the whole process, from evaluation to commercialization.

Complete this form and send it to

Commercialize your research and make the most of it

Contact us at and we will inform you in detail

We are a team of people who work for you

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