Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation ensures that knowledge transfer becomes a reality.

The Board of Trustees is the governing, representative, administrative, and decision-making body of the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation.

Its function is to ensure that the purpose of the foundation is fulfilled, that its funding is made available, and that its fruits, rents, and assets are allocated to its beneficiaries.

Chair First deputy chair
Joan Guàrdia Olmos Joan Corominas Guerín
Secretary Non-trustee Vicesecretary 
Marina Solé Català  Miquel Amorós i March
Board members
Glòria Matalí Costa  Anicet R. Blanch Gisbert
Jordi García Fernàndez Antoni Esteve Cruella
Mercè Segarra Rubí  Joan Mora Bosch
Lluís Bonet Agustí  Raúl Ramos Lobo

Would you like to learn more about the FBG and its work?

Contact us at and we will talk about it

We are a team of people who work for you



people hired for research projects


companies and institutions innovate with us


hired in research projects with companies and administrations

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