
The Bosch and Gimpera Foundation launches CAPTIO, a tool to facilitate ticket refunds

The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation launches a new tool to facilitate the reimbursement of tickets for University of Barcelona research staff related to projects that carry the Foundation’s NIF. The FBG recommends that this platform, which focuses solely on ticket refunds, is preferably used for this purpose. Therefore, neither invoices to the number of the FBG nor per diems can be processed.

The application, whose full name is Emburse CAPTIO, is an innovative platform that facilitates the digitization of tickets, so that it is not necessary to enter data manually and a centralized view of all expenses is obtained. The tool works through a mobile application or through the web, which allows you to manage expenses more efficiently, monitor in real time the status of reimbursement requests and improve transparency in accounting processes.

The launch of this new tool is part of the efforts of the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation and the University of Barcelona to improve research support tools, simplify the associated administrative tasks and make it easier for research staff to focus on research, transfer and innovation.

The operation of the application is very simple, since the user only has to take a photo of the expense ticket, and then the expense goes to the cloud and is digitized. CAPTIO’s artificial intelligence technology is responsible for reading the ticket and extracting data such as the date of issue, the amount and the number of the provider. This technology makes it possible to eliminate, definitively, paper tickets, since, thanks to the certified digitization of invoices approved by the Tax Agency, the legal value of the tickets can be preserved.

This new tool will allow you to optimize the time that the user who generates the expenses must devote to this process, since he will not have to do anything manually. However, the expense will go through a human quality review.


In order to be able to register in the Emburse CAPTIO application for the first time, it is essential to activate the user through the Extractos website of the Bosch and Gimpera Foundation. The director of a project can manage the access to CAPTIO of the members of his work team.

In the following video you can see the steps to follow in order to correctly activate the user.


Once the project manager has registered for the application through the Extractos de FBG website, he can start using Emburse CAPTIO.

In this tutorial you can see how to use the application correctly.

For more information or to resolve any questions, you can contact Sergi Ros through this email address:

Remember that CAPTIO is a tool to facilitate the reimbursement of tickets of the research staff of the University of Barcelona related to projects that have the NIF of the FBG, and that, therefore, neither invoices to the number of the FBG nor per diems can be processed.


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