Three UB spin-offs receive almost one million euros to boost the development of their technologies
The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, as part of NEOTEC’s 2023 call, has awarded a total of 917,389 euros to three spin-offs from the University of Barcelona (UB) to boost the development of their technologies. The selected companies have been: Oniria Therapeutics, Reveal Genomics and Virmedex Virtual Experiences.
The objective of this call is to support business projects of small innovative companies or technology-based companies that require the use of technologies or knowledge developed from research activity, and in which the business strategy is based on the development of own technology and intensive mastery of scientific and technological knowledge.
The UB spin-off projects chosen in the call have been the following:
– Plan de negocio Oniria Therapeutics: modulación de la latencia celular para superar la persistencia del cáncer de colon. Total subsidy: €335,000
– Plan de empresa Reveal Genomics. Redefining precision oncology in breast cancer. Total subsidy: €335,000
– Virmedex Virtual Experiences: Plataforma inteligente de simulación gamificada de procesos médicos complejos para el entrenamiento y formación de personal sanitario – Total subsidy: €247.389
NEOTEC’s 2023 call has approved 131 projects with a total budget of 53 million euros, of which the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI) will contribute 40 million, with the support of European Next Generation funds.