
The Preclinical Studies Area – avantdrug – of Creatio UB is celebrating its first anniversary

The Preclinical Studies Area – avantdrug – of Creatio, the center for the production and validation of advanced therapies at the University of Barcelona, ​​celebrated its first anniversary last July 1.

This area is dedicated to conducting regulatory preclinical studies of products and technologies in development, and enables Creatio to offer support and services along the entire drug development chain, from basic research to the production of advanced therapy drugs.

In these 365 days, the Preclinical Studies Area – avantdrug – has maintained uninterrupted activity, carrying out 51 transfer activities with public and private entities.

The continued and growing collaborations show the trust Creatio has placed in this service, consolidating the organization as a key center in the biomedical ecosystem in Catalonia and Spain.

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