
Second Open Innovation Forum hosts 50 meetings of companies and research organizations

Approximately twenty company representatives and some thirty researchers participated in the second Open Innovation Forum 2019, a program organized by Biocat that gives companies the chance to share their innovation challenges and get proposals from research groups and centers to solve them. After a successful first meeting in April, a second one was held at the Barcelona Science Park on 11 July, hosting 50 meetings.

Arnau Valls, Innovation engineer at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu and d·HEALTH Barcelona alumnus, was one of the participants in this session of the Open Innovation Forum. Along with other organizations that, like Sant Joan de Déu, are part of the NEXTHEALTH community coordinated by Biocat under the RIS3CAT framework, Valls met with several companies. “We’ve come up with several innovative solutions in the community and want to see how these solutions can help address the challenges companies face in applying new therapies, like CAR-T, for example,” he highlights.

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