
REVEAL GENOMICS® wins the 2024 Senén Vilaró Award, for innovations in precision oncology

The University of Barcelona has awarded the Senén Vilaró 2024 Prize to REVEAL GENOMICS, a company derived (spin-off) from the UB, the August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS), the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), for the development of precision diagnostic tools in oncology. This recognition is awarded by the Social Council of the UB and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation to the best innovative company.

The firm was founded in 2020, with the aim of redefining precision oncology and has among its founders Dr. Aleix Prat, full professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the UB and director of Clínic Barcelona Comprehensive Cancer Center. Its first product is the HER2DX®️ diagnostic test, unique in the world, which targets patients with HER2 positive (HER2+) breast cancer.

About the HER2DX®️ test

The HER2DX®️ is the world’s first diagnostic test created specifically for HER2+ breast cancer. Marketed by Reveal Genomics®️ since January 2022, the HER2DX® is a standardized twenty-seven gene expression test for patients with early-stage HER2+ breast cancer.

The HER2DX®️ test is a digital tool based on artificial intelligence that provides a prognostic and predictive report based on clinical and genomic data. The test integrates clinical information (the size of the tumor and the status of the lymph nodes) together with biological information (activation of the immune system, differentiation and proliferation of tumor cells and the expression of the chromosomal amplicon HER2 17q12-21, including the ERBB2 gene).

The results of the HER2DX®️ test allow an improvement in the short and long-term quality of life of patients, while avoiding unnecessary treatments and serious toxicities derived from certain drugs, such as cardiotoxicity. In addition, the test responds to an urgent social and economic need, such as the overtreatment and optimization of resources.


REVEAL GENOMICS, S.L. is an emerging biotechnology company that seeks to change the way biomarkers are used in oncology. It focuses on developing innovative diagnostic tools to define the best therapeutic options for cancer patients. The company uses pioneering techniques, sophisticated computer applications and machine learning to reveal new cancer research data.

REVEAL GENOMICS® is a company derived from the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, ​​the IDIBAPS, the UB and the VHIO.

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