
Developed a genetic test for personalized HER2+ breast cancer treatments. Will be marketed by the spin-off Reveal Genomics.

Reveal Genomics, spin-off of the University of Barcelona, ​​the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, will market HER2DX, a test that predicts the prognosis of patients with HER2-positive (HER2+) breast cancer in early stages and the probability of responding to pharmacological treatments administered before tumor surgery.

HER2DX is a tool that integrates clinical data of the patient with genomic data. By analyzing the RNA of 27 genes, HER2DX predicts the survival of patients and the possibility of responding to pharmacological treatments and is the first genomic test worldwide in this disease.

The reliability of the HER2DX test has been established in a study coordinated by Dr. Aleix Prat, head of the Medical Oncology Department at Hospital Clínic, member of the IDIBAPS Translational Genomics and Solid Tumor Targeted Therapy Group, Professor at UB and co-founder of REVEAL GENOMICS.

The spin-off was created to develop precision diagnostic tools in oncology based on the combination of different genomic data and now, after only one year since its creation, presents the first test.

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