Development of Artificial Vision Systems for the Quality Control of Cork Caps
30% of the world’s cork production is concentrated in Andalusia, Extremadura and Catalonia, and involves about 150 companies.
The Computer Vision Group of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Analysis of the University of Barcelona has developed and marketed an artificial vision system for the quality control of cork caps, in collaboration with the Computer Vision Centre of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the companies Inspecta and 3Control.
This technology has enabled the development of a machine equipped with a three-dimensional artificial vision system that manipulates the caps at a rate of four units per second. It also determines the presence of defects on the surface of the cap, and classifies them according to their appearance in real time.
The production of cork caps is a complex process that requires high quality control standards in its various stages to ensure safety and determine both quality and functionality. 30% of the world’s cork production is concentrated in Andalusia, Extremadura and Catalonia, and involves about 150 companies.
In Catalonia, companies such as Parramon Exportap, dedicated to the manufacture of cork caps, have pioneered the introduction of sorting machines equipped with artificial vision, with which they have managed to automate the production process of cork caps.