
The University of Barcelona opens a new line of funding to promote the innovation and transfer activities carried out by its researchers

The University of Barcelona has created the Fund for the Promotion of Innovation (F2I) through the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, its office for the transfer of technology and innovation. The Fund is an initiative designed to foster the innovation and transfer activities carried out by the researchers of the University of Barcelona.

The first call opened on 22 July with a budget of € 155,000 and includes two types of grants. On the one hand, the Proof of Concept grant—endowed with € 125,000—aims to fund proofs of concept that improve the opportunities for exploitation of the research results generated at the university, and to valorise research projects with a high potential for transfer. On the other, the goal of the Mentor in Residence programme—with a total budget of € 30,000—is promoting the creation of new spin-offs of the University, and helping the development of those recently established by providing the funds to hire a mentor.

Proof of Concept grants will advance the maturing of the selected technologies with the aim of bringing them closer to market requirements, and enabling their transfer via licensing to an existing company or through the creation of a new spin-off. The maximum amount granted to each funded project will be € 25,000.

The Mentor in Residence programme aims to provide the funds to supplement the entrepreneurial team by making it multidisciplinary in order to promote the creation of new spin-offs within the University of Barcelona, and the development of newly-created spin-offs with growth potential. This grant will allow the entrepreneurial team to have a mentor specialized in managing business projects. The maximum amount granted to each entrepreneurial project will be € 6,000.

This initiative has the support of Banco Santander.

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