
The University of Barcelona reaches more than 1.65 million euros in funding for its research groups

The University of Barcelona (UB) has obtained €1,656,043.90 in funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation’s “Grants for public-private collaboration projects 2022” call with the support of the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, the UB’s office for knowledge transfer. The funds will be used to finance nine R&D&I projects developed by UB researchers in collaboration with companies and other research organisations.

Projects have a duration of three years and the objective of this funding scheme is to support experimental development projects in cooperation between companies and research organisations in order to promote the development of new technologies and the business application of new ideas and techniques, and to contribute to the creation of new products and services.

The research staff members of the University of Barcelona who have been recognised for their work and the projects they lead are as follows:

Dr. Esther Pérez Navarro, from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, with the project “Research and development of a new therapy for the treatment of Huntington’s disease,” led by MEDIBIOFARMA SL, with the collaboration of the UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA, and the RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF THE HOSPITAL DE LA SANTA CREU I SANT PAU, reference number CPP2022-009575.

Dr. Ana Méndez Zunzunegui, from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, with the project “Development of MP004 as an innovative treatment for retinitis pigmentosa and other retinal diseases: efficacy and toxicology study, validation of the mechanism of action and development plan for preclinical regulatory activities,” led by MIRAMOON PHARMA SL, with the collaboration of the MARGARITA SALAS BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH CENTRE (CIB), the CÁDIZ BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH MANAGEMENT FOUNDATION, and the UNIVERSITY OF THE BASQUE COUNTRY EUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA, reference number CPP2022-009867.

Dr. Francisco Lozano Soto, from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, with the project: “New host-directed therapies against bacterial infections of unknown severity – HDTIUS”, led by AFFIRMA BIOTECH SL, with the collaboration of the UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA, and the BARCELONA GLOBAL HEALTH INSTITUTE PRIVATE FOUNDATION, reference number CPP2022-009596.

Dr. M. Elena Xuriguera Martin, from the Faculty of Chemistry, with the project: “Formulation and development of a polypropylene (pp) powder product for selective laser sintering made from recycled polypropylene (RECYPPOWDER)”, led by INNOMAQ 21, SL, and with the collaboration of the UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA, and the ANDALTEC R&D&I FOUNDATION, reference number CPP2022-009794.

Dr. Eva Estébanez Perpiñá, from the Faculty of Biology, with the project: “New therapeutic targets with high translational potential for melitherapy drugs (MELIDIANA)”, led by LAMINAR PHARMACEUTICALS SA, with the collaboration of RIOJA HEALTH FOUNDATION, the UNIVERSITY OF THE BALEARIC ISLANDS, and the UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA, reference number CPP2022-009586.

Dr. Silvia Canudas Puig, from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences, with the project: “Food Formulation for the Control of Childhood Obesity – FARO-i,” led by GLOBAL FRUSELVA ETVE SL, with the collaboration of INGREDALIA SL, the UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA, and the UNIVERSITY OF THE BALEARIC ISLANDS, reference number CPP2022-009688.

Dr. Joaquim Vila Grajales, from the Faculty of Biology, with the project: “Biovaluation of pyrolytic material for the development of organic fertilisers aimed at stimulating the soil microbiome in accordance with agro-ecological principles (VALUE4SOIL)”, led by FERTINAGRO BIOTECH, SL, with the collaboration of the UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA, and FERTINAGRO ORGANIA, SLU, reference number CPP2022-009699.

Dr. Josep Maria Canals Coll, from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, with the project: “Validation and strategy for the industrialisation of 4D bioprinting processes for medical applications; skin tissue (4D-BIOSKIN)”, led by D’ENGINY BIOREM, SL, with the collaboration of PEACHES SL, FOUNDATION FOR HEALTHCARE TRAINING AND RESEARCH OF THE REGION OF MURCIA, BIOCROSMO SL, the VALL D’HEBRON UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION – RESEARCH INSTITUTE, the UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA, and REIG JOFRE LABORATORY, SA, reference number CPP2022-009969.

Dr. David Gallardo Pujol, from the Faculty of Psychology, with the project: “Workplace Digital Mental Health Ecosystem – Real-Time Objective Assessment of the Functionality and Mental Health of Workers through AI and Psychometrics, to Integrate the Management of Psychosocial Risks, Absenteeism and Productivity (WD-MHE)”, led by METRIKA MIND HEALTH SL, with the collaboration of the UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA, the UNIVERSITY OF MURCIA, and HAPPYFORCE, SL, reference number CPP2022-010001.

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