
The FBG promotes the first meeting of the TECNIO working group of the University of Barcelona

The Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (FBG) has promoted the celebration of the first meeting of the TECNIO working group of the University of Barcelona (UB). The event took place on April 10 at the Barcelona Science Park and brought together around forty people. The event was a meeting point for the UB’s most active transfer groups, with the aim of getting to know each other better, sharing experiences and generating synergies.

The TECNIO seal of the Generalitat de Catalunya accredits entities that develop and facilitate technology for companies. The objective is for companies to identify where they can find new technologies to develop new products and processes, whether through the acquisition or exploitation of patents, the contracting of R+D+i projects or contact with spin-offs .

The event began with the welcome of the vice-rector of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Transfer of the UB, Dra. Mercè Segarra Then, a representative of each TECNIO group had the opportunity to explain in one minute the main activities they carry out.

Afterwards, the director of the TECNIO association, Manuel Palacín, announced the work of the organization, and a round of debate opened on the implementation of the TECNIO model. The day continued with a lunch on the right foot, thus facilitating the exchange of opinions and the creation of networks of contacts.

According to vice-rector Mercè Segarra, the meeting made it possible to “give visibility to the work of the research groups of the University of Barcelona intensive in knowledge transfer, to promote interaction between our TECNIO centers and those groups that can become accredited as to such, to give institutional support to the TECNIO Association, and, in short, to strengthen our commitment so that the University is a key player in the development of knowledge that must reach society”.

Ten research groups participated in the conference, five of which have TECNIO accreditation:


– CHEMICAL – Physics

– CPT – Chemistry

– CREATIO – Medicine

– DIOPMA – Chemistry

– SDM – Pharmacy


– EDDU – Pharmacy

– ITMAS – Campus Torribera

– Enteric viruses – Biology

– RADMAT – Chemistry


– CEREMET – Biology

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