
Nostrum Biodiscovery collaborates in a research project against COVID-19

Nostrum Biodiscovery –a spin-off from thethe University of Barcelona (UB), Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC-CNS),  and the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) , located at the Barcelona Science Park and the North Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)– collaborates by providing data that facilitates the smart, in silico design of SARS-CoV-2-related drugs. The conclusions of its work will be offered altruistically to this consortium and to other international projects in which BSC-CNS is participating to tackle the COVID-19 virus, such as EXSCALATE4CoV (E4C). “The impact of computational simulation on the drug discovery process is increasingly significant. Public and private research groups are making increasing use of in silico technologies, which, as they are directly related to the increased computing power of computers, are increasingly powerful and significantly reduce the time and cost of developing a drug”, explains Modesto Orozco, Chairman of NBD. 

In the last days, Nostrum Biodiscovery has appointed Ezequiel Mas del Molino as its new CEO, replacing Robert Soliva, who is leaving the company to take on a new professional challenge. “After three and a half years, NBD has reached a stage which requires changes in its executive team. Dr Robert Soliva, who over the last year has been combining the roles of CEO and CSO, is leaving the company’s Management to take on new professional challenges, but will continue to be linked to Nostrum Biodiscovery as a shareholder. We would like to show our appreciation for his dedication, enthusiasm and scientific knowledge, without which the process of stabilising and consolidating NBD would have been impossible”, affirms Ezequiel Mas.
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