- Validation of technological processes and material characterization for the development of microsystems.
- Desing of new functional materials: isolating dielectric, electronic ceramics, nanostructured materials, nanoparticles.
- Design of electronic devices and components.
- Design, simulation and development of new sensors and actuators based on microelectronic technology.
- Design of interface circuits for sensors and actuators (A/D converters, RF communications, optical communications, communications by means of fieldbuses, integrated power circuits), using new mixed design techniques and microsystems technologies.
- Development of optoelectronic and radiofrequency telemetry and transmission systems
- Development of ubiquitous communication networks: wireless, RF systems for telemetry and transmission, sensors, ambient intelligent.
- Embedded systems, instrumentation and control: systems modelling, ambient intelligent systems, intelligent signal processing, miniaturised robots and distributed instrumentation
- Integrated micro-nano systems: systems-in-a-package, hybrid circuits, multifunctional systems.
- Fire-resistant aggregates
- Thermic and acoustic insulation
- Structural description and mechanical properties: metals, polymers and ceramics.
- Design of new surfaces. Mortars and concretes:
- Formulation for passive protection in the event of fire.
- Studies of their behaviour with fire and their mechanical behaviour before and after being subjected to temperature.
- Materials for passive protection against fire.
- Rheology of ceramic suspension and cements.
- Development of flame retardants for polymers and description of the behaviour in fire of the resulting compounds.
- Fireproofing of structural materials.
- Extraction and recycling of metals and treatment of subproducts.
- Solid state nanostructuring of metals and alloys for plastic strain processes.
- Nanostructuring by mechanical synthesis of materials.
- Valorisation and inertisation of waste and subproducts.
- New material recycling processes.
- Stabilisation of heavy metals in industrial soil
- Research into new non-pollutant materials.
- Cements and concretes
- Modelling of geological reserves.
- Recovery of industrial subproducts for their use in construction materials.
- Corrosion, protection and reformulation according to current environmental regulations.
- Environmental impact of civil works.
- Materials and devices for high temperature electronics
- Silicon panel technology in thin layers
- Description of photovoltaic panels.
- Organic solar cell technology
- Studies of natural resources, sites, applications and sustainability
- High resolution magnetotelluric studies. Implications in geothermic resources
- Methodology for using hydraulic and aeolic energy
- Geological, geophysical and geotechnical studies.
- Geomechanicial description of land.
- Geophysical examination (not destructive) of land.
- Surveying of rocks and industrial minerals.
- Quality control of materials.
- Industrial advice and reports.
- On the surface technologies and industrial processes area.
- On tests in the thin layers technology area and surface engineering.
- On the selection of materials for their application and implementation.
- Structural and microstructural description.
- Analysis of flaws and breakaages, mechanical properties.
- Non-destructive tests, tribology corrosion tests.
- Economic and legal instruments.
- Analysis of the evolution and adaptation of the sector to different economic conditions.
- Feasibility analysis; marketing and sale plans for promotions.
- Analysis of the situation in different real estate markets: homes, commercial premises, offices, industrial warehouses.
- Analysis on the current situation and outlook for real estate brokerage.
- Current situation and future perspective for the real estate market in a specific area.
- Public spaces, participation and urban social dynamics.
- Quality of life and sustainability.
- The promoter-project- citizen relationship.
- Social forecasts in energy, water and waste management plans.