Groupings using the Algorithm Fuzzy-Pichat-JGL
- Greater adaptability to the different scenarios proposed for decision-making.
- Minimize problem-solving time.
- Easy program accessibility and integration.
The group is looking for a license agreement, but other collaborations may be considered.
Intellectual Property
Protected by intellectual property registration.
Isabel Durán, PhD
Email: iduran@fbg.ub.edu
Tel: +34 934 0372 81
Groupings using the Algorithm Fuzzy-Pichat-JGL
Executive summary
A research group, with wide experience on marketing and market research, has developed a software program using an improved Fuzzy-Pichat-JGL algorithm for fuzzy subset grouping useful for decision-making in any field of the social sciences.
The group is looking for a license, but other collaborations may be considered.
Today, the vast amount of information we can access requires us to use more powerful tools than spreadsheets.
Fuzzy set theory is a mathematical tool for dealing with inaccurate or uncertain information in the business, financial, and industrial sectors.
This software program that has been developed minimizes the time to solve problems using this new affinity grouping algorithm, developed and adapted for this purpose.
The program is based on PHP language that works after receiving an excel file with groups of values. It reads the values, creates a matrix of distances and, through the Fuzzy-Pichat algorithm, creates the most consistent groups possible with all the different thresholds.
After that, through different rules of the algorithm, the program starts iterating with all the elements, with a sufficient degree of similarity, according to the requested threshold or thresholds, to establish groupings with maximum consistency.
Current stage of development
There is an ongoing development plan to use a SQL database to store the values and to allow to make groups using thresholds instead of values.