Non-invasive biomakers of fish welfare
Non-invasive biomakers of fish welfare
NIBIFish-UB (“Non-Invasive Biomarkers in Fish”) is the UB’s research group within the Energy and Metabolism Intermediary in Fish group. Our research assesses the welfare and health of fish by using non-invasive biomarkers of skin mucus. We are also experts in the general fish metabolism according to their nutrition, environmental conditions and the characteristics of each species. This group belongs to the Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology of the University of Barcelona (UB), where we have the adequate facilities for the study of fish biology.
Industrial sectors
The different members of the group have more than 15 years of experience in the Aquaculture, Farming and Veterinary sectors. We are experts on both marine species (sea bream, sea bass, sole, meagre, tuna) and freshwater species (trout, salmon, sturgeon). Our partners and customers include aquaculture farms, feed additive companies, feed manufacturers and veterinary products companies.
- Monitoring in situ of animal welfare and correlation with productivity.
- Determination of non-invasive biomarkers from skin mucus to study physiological state.
- Obtaining new antimicrobial products derived from the skin mucus.
- Integral design for the increase of the aquaculture productivity: feeding management, physical activity and the culture conditions.
- Non-invasive studies of the functional diets via skin mucus antibacterial capacity
Fields of research
- Skin mucus: Non-invasive bioindicators of the physiological state
- Skin mucus: Biomarkers of the immune and defensive state
- Skin mucus: Antibacterial activity via in vitro co-cultures with pathogenic bacteria
- Skin mucus: Characterization of the skin mucus proteome
- Energy metabolism: metabolic pathways and nutrient oxidation
- Protein turnover: tissue proteomics
- Oxidative stress: enzymes and metabolites involved
- Nutritional metabolism: nutrients use and destination with stable isotopes 13C and 15N
- (2019-2023) Modulation of skin mucus properties by functional diets and the culture conditions in fish model species: regulation and control of mucus exudation and applications on the aquaculture sector. (MODMUCFISH). (Ref. PID2019-106878RB-I00). P.I. Antoni Ibarz Valls. Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
- (2017-2018) Nutritional strategies for improvement in productive performance: use of functional feed and health diets in aquaculture. DIETAplus – (functional feeds). P.I Enric Gisbert; P.I (UB): Antoni Ibarz. PNA/MAPAMA.
- (2016-2018) Functional characterization of the skin mucus in fish of productive interest: non-invasive methodology for the identification of biomarkers and relationship with the physiological state. (Ref. AGL2015-70637-R). P.I Antoni Ibarz Valls. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
- (2012-2015) Characterization and regulation of the physiological markers of the response to low temperatures in gilthead sea bream: nutritive states, redox and endocrine regulation. (Ref. AGL2011-29873). P.I Antoni Ibarz Valls. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
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