In vitro alternative testing methodology
The group, located in the Phisiology Dept of Pharmacy School and led by Prof. Mª Pilar Vinardell includes over 5 permanent research staff members as Dra. Montserrat Mitjans, PhD students and other master or degree students.
In vitro alternative testing methodology
The research group on Cell Membrane Surfactant Interactions is a R&D unit at the University of Barcelona specialized in the development of in vitro methodology for analyzing safety and toxicology of ingredients and products aimed to Health and Personal Care.
The team also works in the development of colloids systems for drug delivery applications.
- In vitro Safety & Toxicology analysis
- Anti-Ox activity
Assessment of Anti-Ox activity in cellular models and cytotoxicity;
Haemolysis Inhibition Assay; Lipid Peroxidation Inhibition Assay; Cytotoxicity Protection Assay. - Colloids Systems Development
Physico-Chemical Characterization
Morphology. (TEM, Cryo-TEM); Particle size (DLS)
In vitro Biocompatibility
Hemocompatibility. Cytotoxicity. Blood coagulation. Protein interactions
Drug delivery
Industrials sectors
- Cosmetics & Personal Care
- Pharmaceutical – Biotechnology
- In Vitro Tox – Diagnosis
Research projects
- In vitro models adaption for safety assessment of colloids particles at micro and nanometric scale. MAT 2012-38047-C02-01.
- Multifunctional Nanomaterials: Strategies to increase selectivity in solid tumors therapies.
- Derived Nanomaterials as new therapeutic and immunogenic strategy in glioblastoma treatment.
- Fitting alternative methods to assess skin toxic effects induced by nanomaterials.
- PEGylated and poloxamer-modified chitosan nanoparticles incorporating a lysine-based surfactant for pH-triggered doxorubicin release. Scheeren LE, Nogueira DR, Macedo LB, Vinardell MP, Mitjans M, Infante MR, Rolim CM. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2016 Feb 1;138:117-27.
- Photoprotection by Punica granatum seed oil nanoemulsion entrapping polyphenol-rich ethyl acetate fraction against UVB-induced DNA damage in human keratinocyte (HaCaT) cell line. Baccarin T, Mitjans M, Ramos D, Lemos-Senna E, Vinardell MP. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2015 Dec;153:127-36.
- Interactions of PLGA nanoparticles with blood components: protein adsorption, coagulation, activation of the complement system and hemolysis studies. Fornaguera C, Calderó G, Mitjans M, Vinardell MP, Solans C, Vauthier C. Nanoscale. 2015 Apr 14;7(14):6045-58.
- Erythrocytes and cell line-based assays to evaluate the cytoprotective activity of antioxidant components obtained from natural sources. Botta A, Martínez V, Mitjans M, Balboa E, Conde E, Vinardell MP. Toxicol In Vitro. 2014 Feb;28(1):120-4.
- Establishment of an in vitro photoassay using THP-1 cells and IL-8 to discriminate photoirritants from photoallergens. Martínez V, Galbiati V, Corsini E, Martín-Venegas R, Vinardell MP, Mitjans M. Toxicol In Vitro. 2013 Sep;27(6):1920-7.
- In vitro antitumor activity of methotrexate via pH-sensitive chitosan nanoparticles. Nogueira DR, Tavano L, Mitjans M, Pérez L, Infante MR, Vinardell MP. Biomaterials. 2013 Apr;34(11):2758-72.
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