Conocimiento experto en la UB



  • Improvement of processes for removing organic matter and nutrients present in waste water
  • Determination of design parameters for treatment plants
  • Recovery and removal of products such as heavy metals from cleaning waters, acids, surfactants, colorants, etc.
  • Optimization of processes for the application of cleaner technologies
  • Biological pollutant removal (SBR) in wastewater.
  • Increased biodegradability of industrial waste
  • Application of isotopic techniques to understanding environmental problems
  • Effects of natural disturbances on Mediterranean rivers
  • Ecology of rivers and wetlands
  • Hydrometeorology
  • Intensity of rainfall, extreme rainfall, floods, meteorological radar
  • Dynamics of nutrients and particulate matter in rivers
  • Biological monitoring of water quality
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Study of biofilm in rivers
  • Nitrogen dynamics in Mediterranean rivers
  • Monitoring of inorganic elements in water


  • Development of new processes for treatment of industrial and urban wastewater. Feasibility and pilot plant studies.
  • Energy valuation of solid organic waste with a high organic load (solid urban waste, treatment of plant sludge, waste from the food and agriculture industry…)
  • Biological treatment of urban and industrial wastewater
  • Anaerobic digestion of organic waste (treatment plant sludge, waste from energy cultures…)
  • Electrochemical treatment of recycled and waste water
  • Advanced electrochemical oxidation processes applied to the destruction of drugs in wastewater


  • Ecotoxicity
  • Toxicology and environmental health
  • Study of contamination by viruses and bacteria of human origin in continental and marine aquatic environments
  • Studies of the elimination of pathogens and indicators in water treatment plants
  • Study of the heterogeneity of plankton bacteria
  • Bioremediation of waters and soils polluted by hydrocarbons

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