Experimental models




Malignant Cachexia


In vivo

Model references

Int J Cancer. 2016 Apr 15; 138(8):2021-9;
Oncotar- get. 2015 Dec 22; 6 (41):43202-15

Lewis lung carcinoma: model of cancer cachexia in mice of the strain C57BL6


  • Normal vs pathologic studies.
  • Therapies effectiveness of cancer cachexia.
  • Discovery and validation of targets and pathways involved in the pathology and syndrome evolution.
  • Molecular disease markers validation.
  • Molecular biology techniques: WB, RT-PCR, optical and electron microscopy, IB, TUNEL.
  • Tumor weight measurement.
  • Strength measurement (Grip strength test).
  • Locomotor activity measurement (IR actimeter Sys- tem with ACTITRAK software).
  • Tapes to train animals. Blood tests.

Principal investigators

Josep Maria Argilés, Silvia Busquets, Francisco López-Soriano
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