Experimental models




Other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis


In vitro

Model references

Mol Cancer Res. 2015 Jan;13 (1):161-73

Biomechanical models of fibrosis: 2D and 3D hydrogels with fibroblasts culture systems.


  • Mechanistic studies.
  • Cell stiffness.
  • Novel mechanoregulatory pathways.
  • Cell-to-cell, cell-to-matrix interactions.
  • Predictive data in normal and pathologic situation.
  • Mechanisms of drug action.
  • Potential targets identification.
  • Therapeutic effects validation.
  • Drug combinations and reproval from preexisting treatments.
  • Drug resistance mechanisms.
  • Personalized treatment.

Model advantages

This model allows the modulation of matrix rigidity and other culture conditions to reproduce the desired pa- thologic stage or condition, obtaining physiologically relevant information.

Principal investigators

Jordi Alcaraz.

Other group publications

PubMed publications.

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