Experimental models


Nervous System


Trigeminal Neuralgia and Peripheral Neuropathy


In vitro

Model references

Sci Signal. 2019 Jun 18; 12 (586);
J Physiol. 2017 Nov 15;595(22):6993-7008;
Front Mol Neurosci. 2018 Aug 8;11:275

Stablished cell lines (Hippocampus, cerebral cortex)


  • Transient and stable expression of ion channels genes.
  • Intracellular calcium effects and other ion fluxes (by imaging and electrophysiological techniques).
  • Signaling pathways.
  • Drugs testing.
  • Molecular biology: Protein and gene expression techniques (western blot, immunoprecipitation, bio- tinylation, protein expression in yeast).

Principal investigators

Xavier Gasull, David Soto.

Other group publications

X. Gasull at PubMed.
D. Soto at PubMed.

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