Experimental models


Nervous System


Trigeminal Neuralgia and Peripheral Neuropathy


In vitro
In vivo

Model references

Pain. 2016 Feb; 157 (2): 399–417;
Mol Pain. 2011; 7: 30

Neuronal excitability models. Imaging techniques: intracellular calcium imaging and live-cell functionality imaging with fluorescent dyes


  • Direct measurement of the calcium fluxes within neurons.
  • Study of roles of calcium ions in different physiologi- cal and pathological situations.
  • Intracellular signaling that control pain pathways.
  • Sensory neurons response to drugs compounds and gene modifications cell volume, nitric oxide.

Principal investigators

Xavier Gasull, David Soto.

Other group publications

X. Gasull at PubMed.
D. Soto at PubMed.

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