Experimental models




Liver diseases (injury, fibrosis, cirrhosis and cancer)


Ex vivo

Model references

Fernández-Varo G et al. Hepatology. 2020

Human liver perfusion systems


  • Investigation of the effects of novel drugs, adenovirus or nanoparticle therapies in a milieu that retains the architecture, interactions, and multicellular characteristics of the healthy and cirrhotic hepatic tissue using PCLS. Comparison between species.
  • Hepatotoxicity studies.
  • Cell distribution and ultrastructural analysis of treatment with nanoparticles.
  • Evaluation of the dose-effect response of a new treatment in human hepatic cells.

Principal investigators

Wladimiro Jiménez, Pedro Melgar-Lesmes.

Model relevance

Well established pre-clinical tool to evaluate toxicity, therapeutic efficacy and dose-response of new drugs or functionalized nanoparticles in humans, and also in rats or mice.

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