Experimental models


Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases


Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


In vivo

Model references

Diabetes. 2016 Oct; 65 (10):3185-99;
Metabolism. 2018 Aug; 85:59-75

High fat diet induced type 2 diabetes (palmitate diet)
Male PPAR ß/ơ knockout mice and wildtype (PPAR ß/ơ +/+) littermates.


  • Fatty acids, glucose and specific markers measu- rement in serum and tissues (white adipose tissue, blood, hepatocytes).
  • Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT).
  • Insulin Tolerance Test (ITT).
  • Piruvate Tolerance Test (PTT).
  • Biochemical and biomolecular techniques. EMSA: transcription factors assessment.

Principal investigators

Manuel Vázquez-Carrera.

Other group publications

PubMed publications.

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