Experimental models


Dermatology & Cosmetics Safet


In vivo models: HET-CAM eggs


In vivo

Model references

Toxicol In Vitro. 2006 Sep;20(6):1066-70;
Food Chem Toxicol. 2004 Aug;42 (8):1287-90

HET-CAM fertilized chicken eggs: before the 10th day which is when the embrio develops the nervous system


  • Alternative eye and mucoses irritation testing: The chorioallantoic membrane is used to simulate the effect of cosmetics at ocular level.

Model advantages

This system can also be used to evaluate anti-tumor treatments or angiogenesis studies.

Principal investigators

Ma Pilar Vinardell, Montserrat Mitjans.

Other group publications

PubMed publications.

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