Experimental models


Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue




In vivo

Model references

British Journal of Nutri- tion 2012; 107 (4), pp. 523-532;
Journal of Rheuma- tology 2006; 33 (1), pp. 110-118;
Clinical and Experi- mental Immunology 2001; 125 (3), pp. 470-477

Chronic and autoimmune inflammation model in rats.


  • Screening of new drugs.
  • Testing the effect of bioactive compounds.
  • Diets design and ingredient incorporation into feed.
  • Biomarkers: disease severity, oxidative stress.
  • Host immune response evaluation: specific humoral and cellular immune response, cytokines.

Principal investigators

Margarida Castell, Àngels Franch, Francisco J. Pérez-Cano, M. José Rodríguez-Lagunas, Malén Massot-Cladera.

Other group publications

PubMed publications.

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