Experimental models


Ear and Mastoid Process


Diseases of the Inner Ear: Disorders of vestibular function, vertiginous syndromes


In vivo

Model references

Arch Toxicol. 2019 Feb;93 (2):417-434;
J Assoc.Res Otolaryngol. 2019 Jul 11;
Neurotoxicology. 2018 Jul; 67:270-278

Animal models of sensory neurotoxicity auditory, visual, olfactory, dorsal root ganglia (mouse, rat)


  • Neurotoxicity assessment.
  • Regeneration studies.
  • Behavioral evaluation of auditive and vestibular dysfunction.
  • Drugs and chemicals testing.
  • Histopathologic analysis of vestibular system: identification of molecular targets in the vestibular periphery.
  • Vestibular toxicology and pharmacology.
  • Histology and gene expression studies of the sen- sory epithelia of the inner ear: RT-PCR, RNA-seq, inmuno-histochemistry and confocal microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, light microscopy in semi-thin sections.

Principal investigators

Jordi Llorens.

Other group publications

PubMed publications.

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