

Technology Transfer at the UB: on-line workshop for IQTC researchers



  1.  Presentation of Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, the UB’s technology transfer office. 
  2. Valorization and Licensing. Eva Martín (FBG)
    – Invention disclosures assessment
    – Technology protection (patents, copyrights, trade secret / know-how)
    – Technology valorization (Proof of Concept programs)
    – Technology license
  3. Business Creation. Jose Conde (FBG)
    – Key questions to start a business
    – Entrepreneurship support programs at the UB
    – Spin-off creation procedure at the UB
  4. Contract Research. Salvador Mena (FBG)
    – University-Industry collaboration
    – Commercialization and marketing of UB’s expertise
    – Benefits of public-private collaboration

Date: 9/04/2021

Time: 11.30h


This workshop is funded by the Secretariat for Universities and Research of the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia, and are co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


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